
Brandon Bingham

Headshot of Personal Trainer Brandon Bingham

With a life-long obsession for understanding the principals of health and athletic performance, I started personal training in 2006. After almost two decades of being a strength and conditioning coach, I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying many experiences in the health and athletic worlds. But, after growing up with a mother who had MS and

Kyri Low-Bingham

Headshot of Personal Trainer Kyri Low-Bingham

my style of training varies client to client and is pretty individualized (and I have a lot of healthy snack swaps!). I got into health and fitness when my health was at its worst. With a list of illnesses that included shingles at age 21, a rare ecoli infection, stomach ulcers, migraines, and an autoimmune

Isaac Fakasiieiki

Headshot of Personal Trainer Isaac Fakasiieiki

Hello My name is Isaac. Born and raised in Alaska. I was a Decathlete in track and field at Kansas State University, then moved to Texas in 2007. I became a personal trainer initially to transition from being a student, to trying to find a career I had a passion in. Shortly after I became

Juan C. Lopez

Headshot of Personal Trainer Juan C. Lopez

My name is Juan C. Lopez, My love of faith and community has driven my 11 year career in personal training. Being both a boxing coach and a soccer player has given me a strong foundation of which I have based my training style off of. I have been blessed to meet and work with

Elijah Pate

Headshot of Personal Trainer Elijah Pate

Hey, my name is Elijah. I’m an apprentice, and soon…a trainer here at NTX. I’ve been an athlete of some kind or another throughout most of my life, always playing sports through school. I eventually got into weightlifting in high school, and this led me to where I am now. I initially joined NTX as