Kyri Low-Bingham
well-rounded with an emphasis on sustainable, natural life style

Kyri Low-Bingham

my style of training varies client to client and is pretty individualized (and I have a lot of healthy snack swaps!).

I got into health and fitness when my health was at its worst. With a list of illnesses that included shingles at age 21, a rare ecoli infection, stomach ulcers, migraines, and an autoimmune thyroid diagnosis (among other symptoms)…I finally decided it was time to take my health into my own hands. Truth be told I treated my body terribly when I was a teenager (hello anorexia) and had a lot of damage to undo. However, the doctors weren’t helping me and that’s when I decided to go the holistic, natural route to heal my body. Once I learned what I was doing, I decided I wanted to help others do what I had done and feel their best. Not only did I manage to regain my health through natural means, I went on to achieve many of my athletic goals including becoming a 200HR Registered Yoga Instructor. To top everything off I was able to give birth naturally and unmedicated to our beautiful little girl (who is the real reason anyone comes to NTX now).

Contact us for pricing on training for your athletic teams and businesses or any other inquiries.

  • Hour Consultation $40
  • $75/hour
  • $40/half hour